Queen of the Quadratic

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Textbook adoption

We are in the midst of selecting new mathematics texts for the next adoption period. I've been gleefully perusing all of the books that have been offered so far. I decided to really crack the cover and delve into one that I just got my hands on last Thursday from Key Curriculum Press. The books are all titled "Discovering ..." with the course title afterwards. I was looking through the Advanced Algebra book and with every turn of the page, I am making exclamations such as "WOW!" and "COOL!" and "Finally, a textbook that teaches the way I do!"

It might seem that I work for this company (but I don't). I just found every section to be so engaging and it really deeply addresses all of our standards here in Texas.

Now I'm just a little peeved that I am not the "chosen one" who gets to vote on which book we'll adopt. I'm also a little disheartened knowing that so many of the "others" will probably not like the book at all because it isn't "normal". I guess if I'm going to get it adopted, I'll really have to advocate with the elite who get to choose.

What's really annoying about it is those who have been selected will be retiring in the next year or two, so whatever they choose will far outlast their remaining time in the profession. I understand the logic of choosing experienced teachers, but I can't quite understand why the ones who's professional lives will be directly effected are totally excluded. Perhaps I am naive to think that my degree in pure mathematics is worth anything over those who studied "education".


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