Classroom WebPages
I'd like to have a classroom webpage where I can post assignments, notes, rules, expectations, and anything else I happen to feel like posting that would be relevant to the classroom. The first step will be talking to my campus IT person about which servers will be permitted for student use and then learn how to use that server to my full advantage.
I know some teachers absolutely LOVE classroom webpages, and others loathe the fact that computers are now a part of the job description. I personally like using the computers and feel that it has made my job easier most of the time. I don't imagine I'll find many dissenting opinions here, but would like to know about others' experiences with the classroom webpage.
What kind of items are essential? How often should it be updated? Should students be involved with creating/maintaining it?
If I find no responses to this, I will still be searching other places for the answers. As I become proficient, I'll publish my progress.